Thursday, October 25, 2012


Human Behavioral Ecology.

The Great Basin has been stuck in this theory for too long.

That said, how about a short introduction to what it is?

Human Behavioral Ecology mixes evolutionary principles (strictly Darwinian style) with human behavior. There are several problems with this right off the bat. Selection doesn't work the same way in behavior as it does in finch beak styles. Humans don't always do things for reasons that provide optimal reproductive success. The Darwin Awards are a great example of that. But I think my own bias is getting in the way of explanation.

Optimal Foraging Theory.

This is a large part of what is/was done with HBE. This means that people try to maximize their reproductive success and therefore they will gather and hunt in an optimal way. That means that they wont expend more energy then they need to for food. I doubt that prehistoric man understood calories the same way we do now.

Costly Signaling

Sometimes it is apparent in the archaeological record that people aren't being as efficient as they could be. One solution for this is Costly Signaling. This means that "My bison brings all the girls to the yard." It is supposed that some animals were valued more highly than others and gained prestige for the hunter. This prestige could mean that he has a higher chance to reproduce and increases his reproductive success.

More is coming for this (with references), but for now I wanted to get something up here.

Happy Studying!

1 comment:

  1. Lynn!!! I actually have been wondering a bit about HBE and have been confused, so this has been helful. Add more soon!
